The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a concept for a future linear particle accelerator that aims to explore the next energy frontier
- CLIC would collide electrons with positrons and is currently the only mature option for a multi-TeV linear collider
- The accelerator would be between 11 km and 50 km long and is proposed to be built at CERN, with first beams around 2035
- The CLIC accelerator is based on a novel two-beam acceleration technique at an acceleration gradient of 100 MV/m
- Its staged construction would provide collisions at three centre-of-mass energies up to 3 TeV for optimal physics reach
- CLIC is a global project of more than 70 institutes in more than 30 countries. It consists of two collaborations: the CLIC detector and physics collaboration (CLICdp), and the CLIC accelerator study

Beam line for cavity testing at the CTF3 at CERN

Silicon pixel detector prototype for CLIC
Timepix assembly with 50 um thick active-edge sensor

X-band cavity test-stand at CERN (X-BOX)

CALICE calorimeter prototype for CLIC HCAL

Two-beam acceleration module at CTF3 at CERN