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Render of ILC© Rey.Hori/KEK
Render of ILC© Rey.Hori/KEK
Render of ILC© Rey.Hori/KEK
Render of ILC© Rey.Hori/KEK

ILC bird's-eye view© Rey.Hori/KEK

ILC cryomodule© Rey.Hori/KEK
ILC conceptual diagram© ILC GDE
ILC conceptual diagram© ILC GDE

ILC bird's-eye view© Rey.Hori/KEK

ILC Silicon Detector (SiD)© Rey.Hori/KEK

ILC International Large Detector (ILD)© Rey.Hori/KEK
Superconducting RF cavity© Fermilab


Schematic drawing of CLIC showing the two-beam acceleration principle© CERN


The CLIC two-beam module© CERN

Artist's impression of the CLIC accelerator© CERN

Artist's impression of the CLIC detector© CERN

Layout of the Silicon Detector (SiD) concept as optimized for CLIC© CERN

Simulated electron positron collision producing several jets in the SiD-like detector at CLIC© CERN

Simulated electron positron collision producing several jets in the ILD-like detector at CLIC© CERN

CLIC and ILC are designed to have two detectors where only one can be used at a time, being pushed-pulled in and out of the beam as needed© CERN

Vertical cut through the ILD-like detector with a simulated electron-positron interaction at CLIC. The picture illustrates the ability of the fine-graned detectors to reconstruct individual particles within multi-particle jets.© CERN

Simulation of individual particles leaving the interaction region (top left) of a CLIC detector showing how different particles behave in the detector system© CERN

CLIC test facility© CERN

CLIC test facility© CERN

Two-beam test area in the CLIC test facility at CERN© CERN


The CLIC Test Facility CTF3 at CERN© CERN

CLIC test facility at CERN, built for testing CLIC two-beam acceleration concept© CERN

Test beam set-up for hadron calorimetry tests with tungsten absorber plates at CERN's Super Proton Synchrotron© CERN


CLIC accelerating structure prototype© CERN

Sachio Komamiya© KEK

Lyn Evans© KEK

Hitoshi Murayama© IPMU

Mike Harrison© Fermilab

Steinar StapnesATLAS Experiment © CERN

Hitoshi Yamamoto© KEK

Jon Bagger© KEK

Barry Barish© KEK

Pier Oddone© Fermilab

The ILC in 2 minutes© Rey.Hori/KEK
© DESY |
Large Hadron Collider & Linear Collider© Sandbox Studio for Symmetry Magazine |
Dark Matter visualisationCourtesy J. Wise, M. Bradac (Stanford, KIPAC) |
Background information

ILC accelerator specifications

Detector (CLIC_SiD/CLIC_ILD) specifications

Detector (SiD/ILD) specifications

ILC Technical Design Report value estimate explained

Laboratories, institutes and universities involved in the ILC (interactive map)

How does the ILC Work?Courtesy of Fermilab