The primary role of the International Linear Collider Steering Committee is to promote the construction of the International Linear Collider through world-wide collaboration. Its 15 members define the scope and primary parameters for the machine and its detectors, monitor the R&D activities, and make recommendations on the coordination and sharing of R&D tasks. The ILCSC was established by ICFA in order to facilitate global support for the realisation of the International Linear Collider (ILC) as a global collaborative effort. The ILCSC established the Global Design Effort (GDE) central team to coordinate and direct the effort of the teams in Asia, Europe and the Americas that comprise the GDE.
Visit the ILCSC's main page
Meeting summaries
- 25 October 2007 (pdf), Fermilab
- 15 August 2007 (pdf), Daegu, Korea
- 1 June 2007 (pdf), DESY
- 12 January 2007 (pdf), Cockcroft Institute, Daresbury, UK