Draft of the Detailed Baseline Design (DBD) report
(links to individual chapters below)
Signatories of the DBD
Drafts of individual DBD chapters
- Chapter 0 FrontPages.pdf
- Chapter 1 Physics and Detector Challenges.pdf
- Chapter 2 Common Tasks.pdf
- Chapter 3 SiD.pdf
- Chapter 4 ILD.pdf
- Chapter 5 Summary.pdf
- ILCPhysicsVolume.pdf
DBD Format Minutes of the format group
- 20 Feb 2012
- Abstract: The minutes of the 2nd DBD Format Working Group on Feb. 20, 2012 summarize the agreement for the DBD plan by the two detector groups and the ILC Detector Management.
- 20 Dec 2011
- Abstract: The minutes of the 1st DBD Format Working Group on Dec. 20, 2011 summarize the first meeting to discuss the DBD plan by the two detector groups and the ILC Detector Management.