Present: Barish, Foster, Raubenheimer, Walker (Hronek sec.)
Absent: Yokoya and Dugan could not attend due to other commitments and Takasaki had problems connecting.
Weekly EC telecons
It was agreed to maintain weekly EC telecoms every Thursdays with whichever EC members can attend each week. Key GDE individuals will be invited to attend the first part of each meeting (board chairs, area physicist etc. depending on need). For next week, we will invite Nobu Toge as CCB chair.
100 page summary
The status of the proposed 100 page summary was discussed. The need, the status and who will be responsible (CCB or a special task group?) was unclear. We will investigate the needs for such a document, the level and audience, and discuss again next week.
BCD revisions and additions
All the editor access to the BCD had been revoked. Area system leads may need direct edit access to add missing information to the BCD (at least initially). It was decided that all changes should be submitted to the CCB, however there must be very low impedance. We need to maintain order, identify and deal with any significant changes in the CCB, etc. and yet fill in missing and improved information. This item will be discussed at next week's telecon with Toge.
Write-up of BCD responses to input questions and reviews
A first draft response to the comments recorded by the Frascati meeting was discussed. We now need to edit it to make it an official GDE response, reflecting as closely as possible our understanding of the consensus views of the EC and GDE. We will return to this response document next week.
RDR editorial board
An RDR editorial board will be required. First, the DCB will produce an outline of the RDR document, after which we will discuss the outline and creation of an editorial board. The WWS will supply a physics section for the RDR, even though they are working on their own longer document.
RDR matrix interaction
The question of how the area system leads should interact with the technical and global groups was discussed at some length. The present lack of a clear charge for the latter groups was noted. It is recognized that the system leads will be a primary focus of the initial RDR effort, as they are responsible for design and specifying the conceptual layout of the machine and components.
System area leads will send requests for a design and cost estimate to the relevant tech. groups. To what extent the technical and global groups should be pro-active in their design efforts was discussed. We will draft better defined charges for the tech. and global groups, particularly with respect to their interactions with each other and the system areas. We will discuss these charges next week.
The role of the Accelerator Physics global group was discussed as being the one responsible for issues regarding overall luminosity performance (LET beam dynamics). But, they also should also be the first point of contact for a system area requiring (for example) some optics design work. There will be a LET beam dynamics workshop in February at CERN.
Tom Himel has made a first pass at addressing the level of 'design and cost' detail for each sub-system. This information will be sent on to Peter Garbincius (DCB chair).
Goals for KEK meeting between Area Leaders / EC / CCB&DCB Board Chairs
The dates for the KEK system area leads meeting has been set for the 19,20-Jan-06. A draft announcement was discussed. The primary focus will be to get agreement on cost-critical layout items (RF unit, general layout etc.), so that that the tech. and global groups can get a head start on costing before the Bangalore meeting.
The need for consideration of global issues for the damping rings was discussed. Particularly the impact on the low-Q parameter set, timing issues etc. All agreed that these issues should be raised formally, and that WG3b should evaluate them with respect to the damping ring design, and that this should be discussed at the KEK meeting. We noted from earlier responses to the EC from Wolski, that the information may not be complete in January. However, due to the major impact on other systems these questions need to be pursued as quickly as possible.
The agreed-upon invitation to the area system leads should go out within the week.
Missing RDR names
There was discussion of how to fill the missing names on the RDR matrix with several action items resulting. We will work this issue over the coming weeks.
Next meeting
Thursday 22 December 2005, same times.