Present: Barish, Dugan, Foster, Raubenheimer,Takasaki, Walker, Yokoya, Hronek (sec.) Toge (by invitation for first 30 minutes)
CCB report - Nobu Toge
Toge presented a report on the CCB status.
He noted the tight deadlines laid out for the BCD consolidation. In reference to this, he described an email received from Chris Adolphsen that announces that the Main Linac Area Group leads would be meeting at CERN just before the KEK meeting, and would not be able to make and respond to BCD requests for changes before that date, but a substantial amount of technical discussions have been already posted on the web. All agreed that the time scales were aggressive, but that we should try and keep to them where possible.
Toge commented on the need to accelerate EDMS activities (noted that FNAL had implemented a 'provisional' EDMS system). Input will also be needed from DCB (Peter Gabincius) on the EDMS requirements for their specific activities. Toge has been discussing these matters with the head of the EDMS committee (Tom Markiewicz).
Some discussion was had on the role of the CCB in monitoring the R&D for the alternative designs. Toge noted that so far nothing had been started within the CCB on this matter but they hope to address this soon and will work closely with the RDB (Bill Willis) on this matter
On setting priorities for the BCD content, it was noted that Gabincius must identify the critical path items needed for the DCB and make them known to the CCB [and presumably to the RDR matrix people].
Toge again emphasized the need to make a rough identification of what is needed to be done to consolidate the BCD, so that we have a clear picture of the scope of the work for January/February.
Toge raised some BCD questions, particularly on the energy upgrade, where he asked whether to design to an energy reach of 500 GeV and specifically whether to include some overhead in the baseline, like some extra length. He was given the guidance that we must design in enough overhead to insure 500 GeV operation. The BDS and dump systems will be designed for 1 TeV. It was pointed out that the BDS needs only to 'accommodate' an upgrade to 1TeV, but that the 500GeV BDS could have less magnets (as an example). The main dumps, however, must be designed for the 1TeV beam power from the start.
100 page document -- After some discussion, it became unclear that both the need and scope of this proposed document is unclear. It was decided to drop this project, at least until it was clear what is required
The issue of write-access to the BCD was discussed, and how the many modifications and alterations requested from the area groups will be dealt with by the CCB (many being cosmetic, or simply supplying information that is not there). The importance of having everything go through the CCB was stressed, but it was also emphasized that the CCB should be responsible to "keep a low impedance" to the changes to improve the document during the consolidation phase.
EC Closed Session
The public minutes from the EC telecom of 15-Dec was approved and will be posted on the GDE website.
The latest draft of the invitation and charge for the KEK meeting was approved. and will be send out as soon as possible.
A discussion of the status of identifying all the RDR matrix leaders was discussed. We are still awaiting a few names and then the filled out matrix will be posted. A draft charge for the systems groups will be discussed at the next EC meeting.
Bangalore GDE meeting: Shekhar Mishra is the chief organizer of the Bangalore GDE meeting, but that we need to insure direct input. Takasaki will act as EC liaison to the organizing committee Andy Wolski will be moving from LBNL to the Cockcroft Institute (UK) but it was agreed and he is willing to continue his leadership roll in Damping Ring group, even though that this will shift the regional balance. CERN Long Range Strategy Group meeting at Orsay: It was agreed that the ILC should be well represented at the meeting, and proactive in general in the EU EPP strategy discussions. Discussion followed about what exactly is needed from the GDE and it was agreed that, in addition to European GDE representation, representation from the US and Asia is desirable at the Orsay meeting. We will discuss representation and inputs to the Orsay meeting at our next EC meeting.
Global Group for Communications: Creating a global group for the communications people was discussed and how to fit it into our organization. No decision was made and this will be further discussed at the next meeting. Next meeting will be January 5th, 2006. Comments can be sent to: Send Email (GDE-EC)