Present: B. Barish, T. Raubenheimer, G. Dugan, M. Harrison, B. Foster, N. Walker, M. Nozaki, K. Yokoya, M. Hronek (sec)
- Great Success
- For the next meetings, less crisis. We need to hear the talks.
- Nothing too negative said
- Will we get CERN support? At the ICFA meeting, Aymar said CERN would not support the EDR, unless he receives additional funding. Whether this means no support for our principle collaborators (Delahaye, Baldy, etc or their support is unclear).
- B. Foster to follow up on this issue.
US President's Budget
- We had 2 mentions in the US president's budget
- An agreement similar to the ITER EDA may be needed to satisfy the US government for the EDR phase.
- How do we do it - possibly an MOU? We have different kinds of institutions such as DOE and KEK. This may be an issue of concern when signing MOU's This issue is being worked
Action Items:
- EU Framework
- Framework says ½ of all funding (EU GDE will request 8M Euros) must be used administratively. It could be used buy-out existing salaries, effectively freeing up institutional money for R&D. The proposal will be focused on SCRF for better cavities within the XFEL framework.
- Need to get major stakeholders on board
- US, Japan, EU, China, Russia etc. to be associate members
- There is a political aspect, we need to be visible with the EU
- B. Foster to circulate letter
- RDR mgmt
- Overview document has been put into our main document.
- Graphics requiring work have been identified
- SLAC people are working very hard
- April 1st deadline to be met.
- Executive summary will be worked on with J Jaros
- Do we have the review mechanism needed with our 3 editors?
- Editors are editing a lot. Maybe too much. We may need to go through the process to review the content.
- EDR section is missing. We need to do it and also have the R&D plan by the MAC meeting.
R&D Plan & focus for the MAC meeting
- This is not a minor point. We must justify the R&D program. This will also be used for funding requests.
- RDB may not be able to so this alone.
- What is the objective of the MAC?
- They will write off on our R&D plan and we need to be definite and conservative. It will need to be linked to the EDR and well thought out. The EDR and the R&D plan must be well-coordinated. .
- Is it possible to have a plan similar to the US plan of 08-09? Details have to be worked out..
- How do we do it? RDB is isolated from some of these items.
- TR, GD, MH to work on this and needs to be broadened internationally.
- Regional directors should have input.
- Take advantage of mirroring the US plan. This should be led by the tech and area systems. They know what needs to be done. Regional directors should take the lead.
- Advice is welcome on this issue - please send email to Barry.
Risk Analysis
- This will be worked on through the RDR mgmt brd.
- Barry to meet with Peter G. to discuss his concerns.
- Where is the data, what is the approach?
- Risk Analysis was done in CF&S but how do we finalize the information.
- This is a complicated task.
EDR Plans
- How do we move forward?
- It must link to the RDR.
- We will move forward on the PM list. We will discuss at Caltech and move forward with eliminations and a final list.
- Give a task force a charge to start things moving on the EDR. Nick will write a charge.
Next Meeting: Schedule conflicts for the week of 2/19. TBD