All present.
Beijing Meeting
- Schedule
- Ask Albrecht and Shin-ichi to revise schedule
- Feb. 8 meeting between ILCSC ICFA with ILC portion in the morning, then we are done by Feb. 8
- We can’t announce number without ICFA approval, talk to them ahead of time.
- Parallel sessions will be technically orientated.
- Sessions chairmen needed to identify the sessions. This should definitely be more technically orientated. KY and MN to assign sessions.
- Natural place to have the R&D groups report and organize a session.
- Outline some vision. We should not move to fast. We want to get it right. A task force should put together some models. Project manager search and work packages will take time and negotiation.
CCR #23
- Hearing to happen on Friday, Dec. 15. .
CCR #20
- We may get the response back? Will the response to 20 influence 23?
- Is it CR24 or CR20 resubmitted?
- We need to be very clear. We will call this #24 and respond to #20 with acceptance of recommendation.
- TR to get comments out by Friday.
MAC Meeting
- The ILCSC is Friday afternoon and we will meet on Saturday. We are also meeting on the 9 th. The core of the meeting should be in the pm.
- How do we split up the meeting?
- We will not change the format from V3, some changes made to the speakers.
- Agenda revised. Work offline with Tor
FALC meeting
- will be Heathrow on the 22 nd. Nick, Brian? , and a cost engineer – Wilhem?
- Further discussion offline.
Possible dates for next Linear Collider School.
- Erice
- First 10 days in October
- Fewer people, more lecturers. Students get to know the teachers.
- Funding to be discussed.
Org for the EDR
- See Brian’s note for detail
- DCB will need to be evaluated. Talk to PG.
- Board memberships come up for review.
- Fully integrate the R&D. Adapt our structures to support this change?
- Work package structure run by Areas – Areas dominated WBS.
- We will need the right leaders paired with the right engineer.
- Agreed to keep the EC as is now.
- Expand GDE to include everyone, with prime org within.
- Project Management
- Org around the areas
- Everyone will be GDE members
- Where will they sit? They need support. One project manager. One person in each region as interface (3 deputies?). Some things need centralized function (EDMS, costing1 project manager
- 3 deputy project managers (regional)
-Is the R&D run differently from the EDR? The EDR needs to be cost reliable. How or do we need to match to the R&D program? The work package structure naturally solves the R&D issue. We need a sample case to determine if this will work. How do we make lab infrastructure (legacy R&D programs, ex KEK, FNAL) fit?
- Definition of work package structure. We need a project manager to organize the structure
- Who do we want – how do we decide? We want to find the right person, and then adjust the job to fit.
- Let’s start the process. The EC can be the search committee. We need a job description. How does it interface? Understand the vision and make a better picture. Best case – person identified by February.
- Longer term and site selection – to be continued
- Timescales – to be continued
Next meeting – Dec. 21