Present: B. Barish, N. Walker, B. Foster, K. Yokoya, M. Nozaki, G. Dugan, T. Raubenheimer, M. Hronek (sec)
Guest: R. Heuer
ILCSC Parameter Group
- This group will have meeting on Monday, Aug. 21.
- The mandate is:
- Revisit the Baseline Machine performance and Energy Upgrade parameters it had established two years ago, taking into account possible new insights and developments
- Discuss, together with the GDE, all areas of the RDR design optimization affecting the performance parameters
- Revisit the Options Beyond the Baseline Machine it had established two years ago, and provide clear cost versus performance guidance as its effects the initial machine configuration
- Extend the performance parameters also to the main detector components, such as tracking and calorimetry, in order to provide guidance for the selection of optimal and possibly complementary detector configurations
Comments –
- Concentration is needed on bullets 1&3, detector is not as urgent. We need to look at the requirements individually and together. We need to derive methodology, but this depends on the physics chosen. Look at this carefully. There is agreement with RH and the EC.
- Process? How will parameters study link to EC?
- 2 links, distribute thoughts from meetings and will join the EC as requested.
- The EC members are also available to join the Parameters meeting if requested.
- Quantify integrative concepts such as luminosity.
- RH: How do we arrive at this? To be discussed.
- Another parameter is the time element - this is not just how important a feature is, how do we preserve it as an option for the future.
- Physics Performance:
- IR issue, must be solidly thought out thru cost and performance point of view
- Luminosity per crossing, may be an interest of going both ways.
- Integrated luminosity?
- Parameter group will start assuming 2 IR’s. What about positron polarization? Can it be defered?
- GDE could use guidance on other items such as gamma/gamma. How do we think about these options? What about strategy for 1TeV? What else should we think about?
EC Conclusion: Rolf’s comments were very useful and we should keep close communication to make this useful.
- Minutes: 24 hours to comment then post.
- Announcements: none
- Action Items:
- RDR Mgmt
- John Tompkins was invited guest to give magnet status. There is still concern. Too much focus on the BDS. Should not spend too much time on 2mr. Need to look at large # of magnets. Magnets costs need to be reviewed. EC discussed and endored the idea of allowing Tom M. to review including costs.
- Cost Reduction was discussed. Frustration was voiced. Growing feeling that more people are needed to cross check. The solution is difficult. We need ownership of the costs. Strong guidance is needed from us. We may want to get more involved, they need to be pushed a bit. We need access and guidance.
- Some different people are doing the work than what is in the RDR matrix. ML meeting overlaps with RDR meeting in KEK. We need to give guidance for this meeting. Privacy issues in this area are most critical.
- Preparations for Japan Meeting
- All pieces need to be together so we can deal with the 1 vs. 2 issue. All issues should be flagged by next week.
- BDS update will be Tuesday, CF&S on Wednesday for updates next week.
- We need to shorten the agenda – it’s too crowded. We need time and flexibility.
- RDR Mgmt
- Valencia – Brian
- No reply still due to holidays
- Scope of meeting will be similar to VLCW
- Valencia – Brian
- China – Kaoru
- No update
- China – Kaoru
- Scope similar to Snowmass
- Post RDR – Brian
- Talked with Shin-ichi and hope to discuss it face-to-face at KEK.
- Post RDR – Brian
- CCB/Costing
- Summary was written by Nobu. What is the role of the CCB? Do they review costs? CCB is not reviewing costs. Get cost info to weigh all the factors.
- CCB/Costing
- Meeting w/ D. Lehmann (Barry)
- Question: How are we internally validating our costs? Who are the people doing this? When we come out w/ our costing, is it better to have outsiders review, we need a respected view. We should internally review our costing with the best people out there. How do we go further?
- Meeting w/ D. Lehmann (Barry)
Next meeting – August 24.