Bill Willis SRF update
Bill Summarized the Ideal R&D Program developed by the RDB
- 450 R&D topics prioritized from 1-4, very high or very low priority
- Published to the wiki
- Collecting revisions to be dealt with later
- Working with Gerry Dugan – Americas region-on to map priorities onto the R&D part of FY07 ILC-Americas program
- RDB members attended Gerry’s meeting at SLAC and had a second meeting at DESY on May 13
- Another meeting will take place in the US at Fermilab on June 1, and a following meeting on June 28
Task Forces for Special Areas
- The R&D list is global, but the needs of each region differ. We must take into consideration the needs of these regions, nations and funding agencies.
- Work with Gerry/Americas will soon be finished and if there is a request for assistance with other regions we will respond as they are defined.
- Special task forces will gather information, and then specifications will be proposed to the GDE beginning with urgency. Examples ---
- Klystron - 3 concepts are under discussion, 10 MW Multibeam (baseline), SLAC initiative on sheet beams, 5 megawatt high efficiency development
- Task Force KL – Klystron is headed by Terry Garvey. Terry has met with the experts at DESY. A clear consensus was reached and collaborations were discussed. 5 MW high efficiency eliminated
- Report being written with exact language. Must be well written
- Additional Task Forces are being organized.
May 30 – DESY-to discuss coordination of ILC and XFEL work at DESY
June 1 – FNAL-R&D Board and others-to review plans for s0/s1 and s2 task forces.
-EC meeting 25-MAY-06: cancelled due to travel
-Public Minutes of 11-MAY-06: any corrections to Max within 24hrs, then posted
-Announcements – none
-Action Items:
- Vancouver – Gerry
- Room requests and availability sent to EC
- Any requests or revisions need to be sent GD
- DESY meeting Summary
- Chris Adolphsen gave a summary (15 pages)
- XFEL cost estimate $1B, 18% higher than TESLA TDR
- Vancouver Plan for Costing --
- RF status – notes sent out by Peter, already being updated
- 3 cost engineers will collect info early.
- 3 cost engineers to meet during meeting behind closed doors with all systems
- By Friday there will be meetings with the GDE EC and then a summary talk, including costs on Saturday
- Need to be more aggressive with ILCSC in requesting help from the labs for R&D areas that need to be concentrated on.
- We will need ILCSC and lab directors for support as we go forward
- It was hard to pull together technical help for the RDR
- We anticipate the problem multiplying with the TDR
- How are we going to do it? We need to strengthen the RDR team for the TDR with resources, etc.
- Push in the same area as with the ILCSC
- We will need cooperation from the funding agencies
- MAC (add to action list)
- Small group to draw up point by point response to the report
- This small group will consist of the Go3
- This needs to be done by Moscow meeting – July
- Next Years meetings?
- Would we like a meeting in Beijing with ACFA in February?
- Our Asian collaborators should tell us if this would be good.
- LCWS 07 in June?