Present: B.Barish, T. Raubenheimer, G. Dugan, B. Foster, N. Walker, K. Yokoya, M. Nozaki, M. Hronek (sec)
Minutes: Correct “Flash” add comments about Hasan’s talk. 24 hours for corrections and post.
Announcements: Mike Harrison has accepted the position of ILC Americas Director. His term will begin sometime in April 2007.
RDR Mgmt Meeting
Status central injector CCR – Ewan
- Recommendation to approve sent to EC (category 2)
- Some comments and caveats in recommendation
Design/scope change catalogue – Ewan
- EXCEL ‘catalogue’ listing all our agreed design modifications presented
- Contains ‘status’ columns for each entry
- Will use this as a working document (management tool) for Valencia and beyond to track deficiencies/progress on design consolidation
- Also help to identify upcoming CCRs (work with Toge at Valencia to plan)
- CFS modifications (details) missing and should be added
- contact MCR for Power/Cooling mod list
- PHG reported Kuchler promises ‘change list’.
- RDRMB to review and send corrections/additions/comments to EP by Friday
Valencia GDE plenary sessions
- All agreed on speakers and topics for plenary
Valencia closed sessions
- Much discussion on goals of ‘closed sessions’
- Clearly cost reduction and cost estimate basis are main priorities
- Need to check we are achieving our cost reduction goals
- How do we do this?
- Valencia must be more than an information gathering exercise
- PHG to circulate list of DCB assignees for closed sessions. RDRMB to suggested additional GDE members who may be of use (note 15 people max.)
- RDRMB meeting on Monday critical to ‘set the scene’. CE’s will present a status of estimate cost including cost saving iteration
- Concerned on lack of feedback: has not seen any numbers
- Three will work together to produce best guess estimate for Monday
- Concerns again raised about cost reduction from TS
- Not much information/feedback from TS
- ‘Worries’ about state of the estimates (both $ figures and ‘quality’); most of the cost reduction exercise to be left to EDR phase?
- Nothing to be done now except make careful plans for Valencia to deal with the issues
- General email to be sent (from Barry) outlining goals and requirements for closed sessions
- Require names of speaker for SLAC costs review
- Suggestion to provide ‘presentation template’ (probably now too late?)
DR SCRF proposal – deferred until next week.
Guidelines for talks sent to Barry and will be sent out to RDR Leaders today.
We will have an RDR mgmt meeting on Monday evening at IFIC.
Central DR – to the CCB. Do we approve and should we send additional guidance? We should send useful guidance. Basic report is fine. If you have additional comments send to Barry within 24 hours.
MAC Rpt.
KY presented outline. Well done and will go over in Valencia with Nick, etc. Nick will give the talk to the ILCSC on Saturday.
Post RDR
Lots of homework done by Brian. Document has relevant items and milestones, schedule should be established. This is very useful for internal discussion but will need a more hierarchal document for outside presentation. We will dedicate one meeting at Valencia to this topic. We want to take our future in our own hands. By the end of the year we need a real plan. We need to say something to the ILCSC. Brian will attend the ILCSC and will make “presentation”. Nozaki-san commented that he had met with Japanese funding agencies and commented not to push hard with formality.
RDR Outline
We will have a dedicated meeting in Valencia with all the RDR people included. We should have Nan and Chris Burrows, etc.
SLAC Meeting
We should have respected reviewers in the community – HEP community. This should be international with 2 reviewers from each region. Please send names as soon as possible to Barry and we will discuss this at Valencia. Come prepared! We want project management type people. We should keep this small – 6 outsiders and our own people.
Next Meeting – Valencia!!