Present: B. Barish, T. Raubenheimer, G. Dugan, B. Foster, N. Walker, K. Yokoya, M. Hronek (sec)
SLAC Meeting
- Comments:
- Impressed with depth and detail of some the tech groups
- A comment by one reviewer stated hard copy of numbers would have been helpful for this review.
- What do we give the MAC
- SLAC talks given
- PDF - printing disabled.
- All talks/documents should printing disabled. Left side index for simplicity.
- MAC Meeting
- Concern over technical issues not being the focus
- Cost first, 2nd day technical talks
- Guidance to speakers (Tor and Nick)
- Some are more individualized
- Send out info w/dates. Talks to be submitted by Sunday evening.
- Cost engineers to discuss costs
- Lean talks for the rest but can use charts to show cost drivers
- There is an element of risk with the MAC, guidelines have to be clear
- Responsibilities
- Tor - PT, Chris, Rich
- Nick - Andy, CF&S
Meeting on Jan. 9
- Review talks
- CF&S to give their talk
- Do we eliminate the R&D talk - yes
- Tor to modify the agenda, Barry to send it to the MAC
Response to the MAC
- updated response to ILCSC (Nick and Tor)
RDR Executive Summary
- Who's responsible? Nan's group including the physics community
- Nan is working through the holidays. Not ready to be printed, pieces are still missing.
Beijing Agenda
- We need it soon - right after the holiday break
EDR Plan
- Questions:
- PM - where should he/she be located
- Instititute tied to the host office?
- GDE Office/PM - should it be separate. The PM and Director have to work closely
- Draft document by January and turned into ILCSC by end of January.
- Regional aspects are very important.
- We need candidates. Make a list which can include outsiders
- Who will this person interact with the EC?
- Will the person be deputy to the director?
- If he is deputy he will not have responsibility to the EC
- He needs authority with seamless connection to the EC
- Timing is critical. Names to Barry by Jan.1 and discussion will happen at Daresbury.