Present: B. Barish, B. Foster, G. Dugan, T. Raubenheimer, K. Yokoya, M. Nozaki
Guests: H. Padamsee, T. Himel, B. Willis
Discussion on presentation:
EC: What are the plans for EU Infrastructure from Flash facility for 2008-2009?
TH: Deciding on a size of phase 1&2, small size keeps costs down, regions need money – bigger is better. Funding may be hard to justify
EC: We need to develop minimal plan & stay away from regional influence.
TH: Cryomodule: do we test one or do we test from each region?
EC: Will not be a final design, but making cryomodules. Connecting to each other is very important.
TH: RF unit in Japan is not compatible.
BW: For S0 (very concrete) setup so we can report to MAC in January. It is not in change. Tracking is a separate operation. Not a specific mandate.
Public Minutes for Oct 19 – 24 hrs and post
Action Items:
Beijing – no rpt
DESY LCWS – no rpt
Post RDR – Brian
Talked to a few people. First draft soon to Barry. Discuss next week.
Do we have the proper forum at Valencia that involves the detector community?
There are scheduled discussions periods. We could email? Should we involve the WWS? Talk to Francois.
Valencia –
Teleconference with Juan. Questions were answered. We will talk again next week.
MAC Report
Read through. What we do about the Parameter plane is probably the biggest issue.
The way we should respond at ILCSC is through a PPT instead of write up. The meeting is the day after Valencia. Who will be there? Maybe Nick or Tor. Barry should not present since the report is not final. More discussion next week.
RDR Outline
Defer to next week. Dedicate a Valencia EC meeting to this with Nan.
SLAC meeting
Outside reviewers? Logistics deferred due to money. Talk to PG, NW and TR. The must be international. We need reviewers from all regions – international. How many reviewers? We need a few key expert people from each region.
Suggestion – Six Reviewers – 2 per region