Present: B. Barish, G. Dugan, T. Raubenheimer, B. Foster, N. Walker, M. Hronek (sec)
Absent: K. Yokoya, M. Nozaki
Guests: B. Willis, H. Padamsee, M. Ross – Discussion of S2
S2 – H. Padamsee
- Presentation given
- Comments: (EC in italics)
- How do you approach the questions of resources? What is your approach towards duplication?
- HP - Resources – we are discussing the emergence of working with the RDB, regional interest panel and Gerry. There is hope that the scale of S2 will have influence on the FY08& 09 budgets. We were asked by DOE – what do we need to do for you? We can’t accurately say how much is needed, but we would err on the side of a larger number. We are trying for influence in the US using these people. Duplication – we recognize there are two test facilities, US and Japan with ambitions for RF units. It is helpful in that we watch out for each other. RDB is to comment.
- While it is true that there are currently no plans to make TTF a 3 rd test facility, Europe intends to bid into EU for funds to establish a European test facility, hopefully at CERN.
- Are you considering any contribution from XFEL?
- HP – XFEL is a major part of this discussion. TTF1 and TTF2 strategies are being discussed. The part taken carefully is XFEL pressure, 28 megavolt per meter compared to 31.5 megavolt goal addressed.
- BW – Interface between S1 and S2 important - work plans being developed to prevent duplication.
- Will there be one ultimate string test?
- BW – We’re headed in the right directions.
Global Mtg R&D Plan – B. Willis
An Idea for a different format for R&D at upcoming GDE Meeting
- 6-8 talks on R&D plan broken down by area
- A day of special purpose at our big meetings – R&D specific
- Beijing is the right timescale but Hamburg would be better for attendance
- Hamburg is kind of late
- Presence in China is good, it will start the ball rolling with a wider discussion at DESY.
- DESY meeting is a natural progression from China
- Please send email on the charge.
CLOSED EC Meeting:
Public Minutes:
– Comments to in 24 hrs, then post. Please read these minutes carefully. We need more response.
- Some feedback from the mandate group. It was consistent with the discussion with Rolf. Detector resistant to outside influence. 4 th bullet will probably change. Will circulate the revised version.
RDR Mgmt Meeting Summary:
- Preparations for KEK.
- Should we post the talks (revised)?
- TDR. There is money to be saved, will write down and discuss.
- What is the next step on the BDS?
- Magnets are being looked at by Tom M.
Rolf mtg w/ WWS:
One issue. Common experimental hall. WWS did not resist this idea.
- NW: People are softening to a push/pull
- BB. We need to keep working at it.
- NW: Discuss with Nobu. Should one of us attend the meeting on Friday?
Valencia – Brian
- nothing new to report
- Start to think about pre and post meetings.
- Will be Snowmass like in scale – Yes – all agreed.