Present: B. Barish, G. Dugan, B. Foster, T. Raubenheimer, N. Walker, K. Yokoya, M. Nozaki, M. Hronek (sec)
Guest – L. Lilje
Lutz Lilje discussed the planning of the task force he will chair on the S0 (cavity) and S1 (cryomodule) R&D goals. Most of the time was spent on the S0 plan. The initial work involves two parallel efforts, focusing on tight loop processing of a few cavities over and over again, and production runs of batches of at least 20 cavities. Open questions remain in many areas, such as how the efforts will be distributed over the regions. Two or three production runs will be needed, with the results from one run being folded into the processes used for the next run. An overall schedule needs to be made, which incorporates cavity procurement and fabrication times. This time line must fold in the regional capabilities. The issue of the optimal shape (TESLA vs. LL, for example) must be studied separately.
The first production run step has essentially already been taken at DESY. A detailed and specific work plan will be needed involving, for example, tight loop processing at JLab and KEK, with another production run at DESY.
ED Questions and Comments:
We need to develop an intermediate milestone by mid-2008, to establish confidence in the TDR gradient choice.
LL - This can be done. We will have 20 cavities by end of 2007, take the best 9 and distribute over area/cross check parameters. Send around to local facilities for re-treat/ conf boost.
Milestone and plan requested by the MAC report needs to be ready just after Vancouver. But we don’t want to “over-promise” and have to backtrack later
LL - Feel very optimistic/ more discussion needed, hope to have resolved by next phone conference. We will be in very good shape for Vancouver.
Area leader should be in the loop? Area leaders deal with implications with the gradient. They would like to know milestones and gradient issues. Communication between the area groups and task force is needed. All should be informed for planning.
LL - This is a catch 22. Formal and informal communication is needed. More formal for Vancouver meeting. Informally Marc Ross volunteered to talk issues that need to be addressed. First public forum to Vancouver. Design goal has not been changed. No descoping.
Charge? What will you need for resources; we want to help you succeed.
LL - The opportunity to review the American program was appreciated. It’s a good example of how the process should go for the Americans. Similar effort is ongoing in Asia. Hayano-san to come out with draft charge then go to Japan saying this is how we would like to adopt the program in Japan. We would like to sign off soon and start the process with Japan. Europe is more political. We need to look beyond XFEL and how do we proceed for the ILC. Its clear Europe is interested, but the GDE has to indicate more that Europe can do this.
The gradient number for the first tight loop tests is not listed. Why no number?
LL - The information is preliminary and it does not make sense to publish a number. In production we will state a number. Task force will meet before Vancouver.
Minutes – Approved or send comment to Max within 24 hrs.
Announcements – NONE
Action Items:
- Report has existed for several weeks. A meeting with CERN staff was postponed and rescheduled for July 4.
- Key Issues: What are timescale/resources available? What are the priorities?
- Discussed RDR writing and will invite Nan to a meeting
- Charge to Ewan with approach to descoping concept
- CE’s will report schedule and plan for Vancouver next week.
- Interim plan for next year as we come up to the TDR.
MAC Reponses
- We will merge the comments, then iterate and send back out. This issue must be closed out before Vancouver.
- There will be no discussion of this in Vancouver
- Endorsement of the narrative way of writing key points.
- Outstanding of issue of BCD talk to the ALCPG. Gerry will give talk.
- Draft web pages
- Registration fee estimate – high
- WIFI still an issue. They were reminded of importance.
- This will be the 3 rd LCWS? We want to involve young physicists and this may be an opportunity for them to attend.
- ACFA meeting will be 3 days. Does the GDE want a longer meeting?
- 4 days would be better, we will revisit next week
- Preliminary dates 29-May through 5 June
- This corresponds with a European meeting.
- We will answer this next week
- Next meeting is Japan in September, January meeting has a possibility of being in the UK
- MAC is charged with 3 meetings a year, this is more than we need but we don’t have control of this issue.
- We still need and have requested a focused charge for September
- Immediate issue: guidance for people who will be convening the parallel sessions
- We will write bullet points to give guidance, this needs to be simple
- Basically – no numbers on any talk that gets posted on the internet or circulated electronically.
- The GDE is missing an area group – accelerator simulation
- This is a long term problem and we would like to develop this by the time of the TDR
- The US has discrete funding proposals but they are not combined in a coherent fashion. SCIDAC proposal used for advanced computation DOE sciences, tools could be developed for the ILC with this money