B. Barish, B. Foster, M. Nozaki, T. Raubenheimer, K. Yokoya, M. Hronek (sec)
N. Walker, G. Dugan
Public Minutes 27-JUL-06; comments to Max in 24 hrs than post
Announcements: none
Actions Items: Skip this week.
GDE presentation to the ILCSC
- Not many problematic questions, mostly clarifications. No costing questions.
- Big point was should costs be confidential until reviewed in the spring?
- Positive response to the action of having a spring cost review
- It will be a unified and international review
- Should we sponsor another ILC school – yes but when?
- It should be combined with regional schools
- 1 st attempt should be with the USPAS
Process Discussion
- Are we doing as well as can?
- Most sensitive issue right now 14 mrad change
- Concern with the physics community
- our process cannot be distorted
- we need to be able to defend our decisions
Cost Distribution
- Restrictions may be limiting
- PG need help – he is making a list, soon to be sent out
- We need other people involved. We have good people and they can get involved but they will need access to the costs.
- Scope issues are good
- How can change/modify the process in order to get help
- PG to bring names/additions to the EC and the EC must clear them quickly.
Post RDR
- After the RDR, this will be a new territory
- We need to motivate towards construction phase
- Important: conceptual to engineering design, we need more people, more discipline and project management.
- Move to new name -- EDR (Engineering Design Report)
- We don’t want to be seen as a DOE type design or any other gov region
- We will the define the phase of that part of the project
- Not a lot of good models out there , but there our a few. We need to do our homework and study some examples on how to proceed.
- Examples
- Regional organization
- Run by several organizations, ESP, NSF, BRO
- Look at org and communications with gov.
- BF comment: Spoke with Richard Wade. ALMA a disaster. Maybe we can learn what NOT to do.
- Some similarities, but they are not as globally broad
- Project side is similar
- Main difference is just a few countries and is a top-down project
- 10 year preliminary tech design,R&D
- Square Kilometer Array (SKA)
- US side disorganized
- They do have the equivalent of the GDE
- 2M Euro budget year
- International collaboration but not as global as GDE
- Examples
- We should use these projects and others; do the homework through the fall.
- Define next few years to move as project, but stay clear of governments. We don’t want that to dominate.
- BF to get small document together by KEK. Are there any Japanese projects for study?
- This is now an action item.
Next meeting – August 10.