Present: B. Barish, T. Raubenheimer, G. Dugan, B. Foster, N. Walker, K. Yokoya, M. Nozaki, M. Hronek (sec)
RDR Mgmt Brd Discussion
- Most important conversation was with Nan
- Schedule setup for selective emphasis
- Push Pull - no comment
- RD - in the pipeline
- Outstanding CR's with DR
- MAC presentations w/CE's
- Response to the MAC
- Program for Beijing
Beijing Agenda
- What are the objectives?
- We need guidance for attendance
- Propose 2 talks in the ACFA joint plenary
- Questions: Content of RDR, will it be at the beginning or end?
- RDR needs presentation at the beginning for first day approval of the GDE
- Costs will not be public until ILCSC approves on Thursday at noon. We can have set of "draft" numbers
- How do we use this meeting?
- 2nd and 3rd day - R&D
- Final steps of RDR draft
- Draft agenda by Daresbury
- Bill Willis will be at Darebury - we can discuss R&D
- Approval of people
- Send out conf. agreement to necessary people by Max
- Tuesdays meeting is at Daresbury
- Saturday meeting at Hotel
- MAC Response?
EDR Draft Document
- We will give to ILCSC but not MAC, we will give a talk on this issue at the MAC
- ILCSC will get the document at the end of January.
- See Recommendations
- Language is mixed up - single hall/2 IR's
- Keep as an alternate but what does that mean - the test is confused.
- Maintaining upgradeability in this respect is not correct
- We don't know the impact/Engineering studies need to be complete.
- Should be treated as other alternatives are treated
- All configurations should be included in the RDR? Will they be included in the new baseline?
- No alternatives in the RDR.
- In the cost section, paragraph on all that may reduce costs & going back to 2 IR scheme.
- BDS is single IR/single beamline
Task Force on Machine Detector Interface
- Beyond what the CCB is about.
- Reaction is from WWS and Machine Det. Interface
- Not very focused, will be handled during the EDR phase
- WWS has one had connection to us through the board. Not direct input to the GDE. CCB overstepped.
- Barry to circulate draft.
RDR Executive Summary
- We will talk to Nan next week
- Includes Detector and Physics people.
PM nominations
- Add to the list
- Continue to update
- We will discuss at Daresbury
- Process will happen to shorten the list
- Deadline of list - next week.