B. Barish, G. Dugan, B. Foster, K. Yokoya, T. Raubenheimer, N. Walker, M. Hronek (sec)
M. Nozaki
Tom Markiewicz
As outlined in Tom’s talk:
- EDMS is recommending the approach of light weight instance with team of interested parties and the result tested before approval
- EDMS committee is not ready to implement, configure or support their choice.
- CDS configuration to be decided for the ILC
- INDICO – going well, documentation needed, as well as backfilling.
- Incomplete adoption; regionally fear loss of control
- EC need to move to implementation, configuration, support and control.
- Communication is an issue the committee would prefer not to handle.
- WIKI can move to the EDMS system if configured properly
- Supported by our “own” people – a group similar to communications
- Coupling Issue?
- Project life cycle decisions must be made carefully as must sustain the life cycle of the project
- Team center approach. Bring similar programs in the fall as we go and EDMS would support them all.
- Implementation
- TM – team would be from the organization, similar to the communications group
- Live within the GDE office?
- Hire/Acquire at one site
- Need 4 FTE/input from the EDMS committee
- Handle integration
- Fraction of a person could support after implementation
- Money is the issue
- Money to be found from G. Dugan@FNAL to be investigated
- Maybe Common Fund?
- TM – team would be from the organization, similar to the communications group
- Should we stay with the centralized model and can it be supported by DESY/CERN?
- NW – DESY support is already in place.
- CERN/DESY – strong contact
- Jean Pierre said option are open. CERN may drift – may need to nag.
Next step is to propose what we want to the CERN and DESY Directors, listing resources required.
- EC minutes – approved, any changes send to Max within 24 hrs.
- Next weeks meeting (11-MAY-06) is cancelled due to DESY meeting
Vancouver –
- GD - We have scheduled parallel and plenary sessions on certain days and the agenda should be crafted to respect this.
- BB – There is other work/activites to be done while cost review is in process. Integrate costing info within the the bigger meeting.
Valencia – BF
Org at CERN
- Talk to Janet Seed about FALC meeting. Is it before or after the meeting. Have not heard back from Janet.
Report on RDR Leader Meeting at DESY
- Agenda on the web
- Video link available
- 26 people to attend outside of DESY
- Other small meeting will be needed
- Lars to give video demonstration
High Gradient Task Force –
- Form a task force through RDB
- Meet gradient goals through the RDB
- Need GDE plan quickly
- Availability of plan should 1-2 months
- Review /can we implement?
- Goal – demonstrate that we can get the gradient we propose.
- We need our internal point by point response to the MAC
- Highlight to ILCSC
- Task force for plan for gradient question
- General remarks:
- Growth – are we too small?
- FORMALITY – not at this stage
- There is concern that we are making arbitrary decisions
- Response -- The lines and processes are fuzzy, we need to be trusted
- The first meeting of the MAC was short and so there was not enough time to discuss our plans and progress fully. The meeting should be longer.
- Highlight to ILCSC