Present: B. Barish, G. Dugan, T. Raubenheimer, N. Walker, B. Foster, K. Yokoya, M. Nozaki, M. Hronek (sec)
-Approve public minutes from 30-NOV-06. Send comments, will be posted in 24 hours.
-Announcements – n/a
Action Items:
- RDR Mgmt
(Ewan’s notes)
E. Paterson, B. Barish, G. Dugan, P.Garbincius, T.Raubenheimer, W.Bialowons, K.Yokoya, T.Shidara, B.Foster, M.Hronek
Status, plans and schedule for CCR #20, ..................Tor ( 10 mins )
Tor reported that follow up text and parameters supporting CCR #20 a,b, and c were in preparation and would be sent to this group by Friday for review before submission to the change control board. In the discussion it was made clear that the tunnel length enabling a return to the original BCD parameters would be included in the CCR. This important point was not made clear in the original submittal. On the subject of allowances for degradation of klystron performance, it was agreed that experience with klystrons, not RF amplifiers in general, showed no slow degradation but rather a short or sudden collapse at end of life.
Report on SCRF meeting on Tuesday December 5..............Ewan ( 10 mins )
Discussion of schedule for information transfer
to and from Wilhelm..................................All ( 10 mins )
Discussion of schedule for a presentation dry run
by Webex or at SLAC..................................All ( 10 mins )
The process for the preparation of a single report on crymodule costs explaining both the costs accepted for the RDR and the uncertainties , was discussed.
Wilhelm has set up access to a file ( later successfully tested ) that will be used by the experts in all three regions in preparing this presentation. It will be updated daily and accessible for review by rdr_mgmt. This file will be closed on Monday evening as Wilhelm leaves for SLAC. It was agreed that, after reviewing peoples travel schedules, we would have a dry run of this presentation on Wednesday , Dec 13, from 2.0 pm to 4.0 pm.
The Fuji room (ILC area) has been reserved and we will need WebEx access for at least Barry. Max could you please set up the webex meeting for 2-4pm
The possibility of a dry run of the CF&S presentations was discussed but as of this writing still an open question. There will be an update on this before the weekend.
SLAC Cost Review .... Discussion of schedule.............Ewan ( 10 mins )
The Thursday schedule will be as shown and the Saturday with these modifications. On Saturday afternoon there will be continuing discussions amongst the members of the RDR-MGMT board which are not part of the published agenda. Max, at some point you will have to send out an update "final" agenda but this is as close to final as I know. One clarification, it is my understanding that Vic will be the single CF&S presenter at SLAC and similarly Jean-Luc at Daresbury.
08:30 15 Introduction Barry As published 09:00 60 Closed Barry, CE's and reviewers
08:45 30 Cost methodology Peter 10:00 30 Coffee
09:15 45 Machine Overview Tor 10:30 90 Open Closeout Report
10:00 30 Main Linac Chris Adolphsen 12:00 End
10:30 30 coffee
11:00 120 SCRF Bialowons
13:00 60 lunch
14:00 150 CFS Vic Kuchler
16:30 30 coffee
17:00 60 RF Power Larsen
18:00 close
Cost Estimate....Bottom Line and Schedule..............Peter ( 10 mins or as required!)
Peter gave an update on the total costs as of Dec 6 and there still a few areas where information was lacking. Some he expected by Dec 8 and others where he will have to use prior estimates.
For the SLAC review, Nick will talk to Vic and give guidance on presentation. Input should be sent to Nick for this discussion. Cost drivers should be pointed out and the talk should cover the 3 regions.
- Beijing Meeting –
- Speakers for the joint plenarys are needed
- Task force to be put together to help form the agenda (RDR mgmt)
- How can we best use this meeting
- DESY n/a
- Post RDR – -
- We will meet at SLAC (EC meeting) to discuss our future. We will setup webex for M. Nozaki.
- Meeting will be in the evening.
- CR #20
- Communicated with Andy, set of parameters to be discussed with Andrei. Will talk to Nobu after one more iteration.
- Will be presented by Tor with Chris present.
- SLAC Cost Confidentiality Issue
- Outside committee, take away access – what are the restrictions
- Internal reviewers will be handled the same as previously
- Barry to talk to Peter
- Cost Presentation to the MAC
- Put SLAC presentations on pass worded website for access before the MAC review
- MAC Review
- Presenters have been invited
- Agenda has been revised
- Will discuss at SLAC
- Executive Summary
- Who’s responsible?
- Discussion next week at SLAC
- To be written between Xmas and Feb.
- Future Planning and Beijing
- What is our vision? How do we go forward?
- Brian put out document.
- What do we need – better project mgmt, WBS, etc.
- A task force is needed, RDR mgmt is not the place to make these decisions
- Project Mgmt would take the place of the RDR mgmt
- There are delicate questions – do we hire a project mgr internally or externally. Etc.
- The WBS needs to evolve into a GDE structure
- FNAL group may be able to help with model; we need to put home inst. agendas aside.
- Brian will sketch out headers and ideas for next week.