Present: B. Barish, G. Dugan, T. Raubenheimer, N. Walker, B. Foster, K. Yokoya
Absent: M. Nozaki
Guests: L Lilje, B. Willis, M. Ross
Topic S0S1 Task Force
Presentation by L. Lilje
Comments: (EC comments in italics)
Do you need the EC help with things such as negotiations with the labs?
LL – Yes, such as KEK to buy more cavities, make priorities clear with labs.
In the present plan, is there production overlap?
LL – Yes, that is the point.
What do you see the TTC doing?
LL – Request information; discussion at KEK on the single cell program. Spell out the program.
MR – Hope institutes will sign up to do parts of the programs. Who is going to do these tasks, we are hoping people will sign up.
This is critical, bullet 4 – how are we going to manage it.
RDR Mgmt Mtg – Nick
- long agenda with 10 points/ reviewed outcome of meeting at KEK
- Peter will have CF&S review
- FNAL and SLAC people to help with review
- Cost confidentiality an issue
- Scope Modification changes
- SCRF discussions were 2 nd half of meeting
- Circulate final version of the KEK meeting minutes
- Time for Nan and Nobu to be contacted and brought in. Outline what we need to do and how to put a schedule together. Nan will attend the EC meeting next week.
Valencia – Brian
- Urgently, how many rooms will we need? By default use same program as Vancouver as estimate.
- WWS wants plenary in middle of the workshop to discuss questions of scope and cost savings.
- Meals is Spain are taken late; meeting starts not before 9:00 and lunch starts at 1:00pm
- We will have 2 conference-size rooms which will be equipped with speaker telephones for conference calls.
- No video or phone in large rooms.
- Roundtable session will happen midweek, similar to a town hall meeting and would like the funding agencies involved?
- Is Thursday too late for plenary? Could swap with roundtable?
- We need detailed agenda and goals. Vancouver was cost centric, what is our focus. We need balance. Ask RDR leaders what they would like to see.
- There were complaints from Vancouver, no way to report work accomplished. What is our focus for this meeting?
- Committee rooms will need phones.
China – Kaoru
- No News
DESY LCWS 07 – Brian
- Informed Rolf Heuer of larger meeting scale.
Post RDR- Brian
- BB and BF talked to Shin-ichi about our initiating discussions in EC of how to move forward. ILCSC also looking at direction to take after RDR phase, so coordination of efforts of both groups is needed.
MAC Meeting – Barry
- Rewrote the MAC report with updated info. Please read and send comments
- Agenda: EC contact in preparing presentations given below
- Response to MAC – Nick and Barry
- Overview – Go3 with direction from Tor
- Costs – Barry to work with CE’s. Don’t want to share detail, we do want to give a reasonable sense of the cost we do have. Use 14x14 mr as an example of process? Do we involve Nobu and Andrei?
- Availability – Himel, Ross, and Kuchler to work with Tor
- DR’s- Nick to give guidance
- Cavity R&D – Kaoru to give guidance; should not show graph of cost vs. gradient. Tor has something to distribute on this issue, EC will send comments.
- LLRF – Nick will interface
- R&D Programme – Gerry and Brian to work on this together.
- Max will send contact list to presenters/EC
- Meeting is not closed as far as the GDE is concerned. We advocate open meetings whenever possible
Next Meeting - Nan Phinney: Writing of the RDR status