Present: Barish, Dugan, Foster, Raubenheimer, Takasaki, Walker, Yokoya, Hronek (sec.)
Markiewicz (by invitation for first 30 minutes)
EDMS committee Report and Discussion (T. Markiewicz)
Tom Markiewicz reported on the current status and plans of the EDMS committee. On the EDMS front, the two contenders are still the CERN EDMS system, and the DESY/FNAL Team centre solution. The CERN Document system is still to be demo-ed as a possible stand-alone document management system. Markiewicz said that additional guidance will be needed from the EC to make a decision as to which solution to go with. TM was concerned about 'user buy-in', whether some form of beta-testing phase was required to see if the system would be accepted by the community, or if a signal of 'strong support' from the EC would be sufficient. He noted the need to move quickly to an implementation, but that several questions still remained. Some of these questions include the exact requirements for this system, how it will evolve etc., as well as a need for the Director and EC to negotiate with the 'supplier' [presumably CERN or DESY] to verify that the required lab support will be made available. He noted that resources outside the 'supplier' lab would also be required to administer and support the system.
Markiewicz presented the committee a recommendation to adopt the CERN InDiCo tool as a general calendar and meeting organizer. The EC unanimously accepted this recommendation and Walker will act as liaison to EDMS committee in implementation. INDICO uses a hierarchal tree-structure ('folders') to organize its content (calendars) and care and planning will be needed up front to define the structure. (He made a preliminary proposal in his presentation of possible categories.)
EC Closed Session
The missing names to fill out the RDR matrix were discussed and possibilities for the remaining positions will be pursued.
The status of preparations for the Bangalore GDE meeting was discussed. Some uncertainty still remains as to the goals for this meeting, however it was emphasized that the meeting is a general GDE meeting. It was agreed that it should have specific focus areas on the 'dominant themes,' especially on those that are needed for the RDR. The LCWS organizers have asked us if their will be a GDE close-out on Saturday afternoon when no LCWS sessions are scheduled. We answered affirmatively. We also discussed the detector plenary part of the meeting and the interaction with the GDE meetings. In general, our aim is to have a general GDE meeting that is thematic and to also take maximum advantage of meeting in conjunction with LCWS06. We agreed to discuss the goals and a preliminary agenda and post it soon.
Gerry Dugan reported that there will be an organizing meeting for the Vancouver GDE meeting at the end of January or early February, after which he should have more information. It has been agreed, however, that this GDE meeting will run the full 4.5 days of the ALCPG meeting (July 19-23) to allow more time for interactions as the RDR comes together.
The EC response to the BCD comments was agreed upon and they will be posted on our website along with the questions. Individual responses will be sent to the “mini-mac” reviewers, Richter and Oide.
The dates on the FNAL area leaders and EC members Feb. meeting have been fixed for 13-14-Feb. Max reported that no video link would be available because of room availability, but telecon facilities will be available. We will produce an agenda and then announce the meeting. The goals of the meeting will be clearer after the KEK meeting is concluded.
The agenda and attendance of the KEK meeting were discussed. Only two no-shows (Lilje and Solyak for the Main Linac). The agenda will be circulated and a telecon will be held at 8AM on Friday (midnight DESY and 5PM FNAL) to allow Lilje/Solyak to join for about ~1 hour. The charge for the Systems Groups was discussed and approved to be sent out.
GDE input to the Orsay European strategy meeting was discussed and the final version of the memo from GDE will be approved by email. The data on FY05 resources in each region will be included in the final version.
The next meeting will be an informal face-to-face meeting at KEK on 19 or 20-Jan. Since all but BF will be physically present, we will adjust the time accordingly to try to include Brian.