Present: Barish, Dugan, Raubenheimer, Takasaki, Walker, Yokoya, Hronek (sec.)
Absent: Foster (except for short call-in) Garbincius (by invitation for first 30 minutes)
PHG for DCB to EC - 2feb06 (ppt)
Design Cost Board Discussion (P. Garbincius)
PG presented items for discussions within the context of the DCB. In his presentation he covered three points:
- RDR questions for system area leaders
- status of WBS
- status of outline for RDR
For the first point, PG raised several issues with respect to the upcoming FNAL meeting. He specifically noted the need to 'keep information flowing', and the importance of giving strong guidance, particularly to the tech. groups. He noted the need to produce a milestone-driven RDR schedule, complete with review dates etc. He suggested that on the second day of the meeting, the Tech. Groups should cycle through the system areas, and make it clear what information they require.
PG briefly discussed the status of the 'Questions for System Area Leaders' document, noting that it was almost ready to be sent out. It was noted by the EC that we have gone at lengths to stress the right balance for the costing, and that care should be taken not to place too much emphasis on details which do not significantly influence the costs.
During the discussion of the WBS several points were made
- the current WBS is based on TESLA TDR and the US options study
- PG has 'rolled' up the US options study data, and agrees that current ILC WBS appears to be at the right level of costing detail.
- A question was posed regarding the logic of separating out the RF. After discussion it seem there was a consensus that the WBS should be 'geographically' driven, with the (for example) the relevant RF systems in the respective areas (injectors, DR, main linac, BDS).
- Some discussions followed about the logic and functionality of the RDR matrix with respect to WBS. Costs/Engineering should be supplied by the Tech. Groups and be passed up to (and through) the Area System leads. It was suggested that the RF was a 'very special case' since the main linac RF is such a strong cost driver. RF sections in the injectors, DR etc were not the priority.
- Again discussion on level of details needed for magnets.
- Final agreed upon level of costing detail' will still need to be prioritized in order of cost-driver so that the costs that get finalized later (perhaps even after Vancouver) do not significantly influence the total cost.
- PG noted that it had been agreed to restrict manpower estimates to just two separate levels: scientific/engineer and technician.
- Points raised on the use of the SLAC Java based WBS tool. PG pointed out some 'short comings' and it was suggested that PG send 'modification requests' to the authors.
EC Closed Session
Public minutes
Public minutes from the last telecom were approved, subject to input from B. Willis.
Bangalore Meeting
Replacement for Napoly on DCB
Alex Müeller (Orsay) has accepted the invitation to become a member of the DCB.
RDB request for an instrumentation member
It was agreed to invite Marc to join the board to add strength in the general area of instrumentation.
Beamline description
The draft beamline description document was briefly discussed. It was agreed that this should be made public as soon as possible. It was also agreed to set up an RDR wiki site for all relevant RDR documents
Other business
KY passed on a request from Toge concerning who should be allowed to request a change to the BCD; specifically if the Tech. Group coordinators are allowed. After some discussion it is agreed the Tech. Groups should discuss their requests first with the relevant system area leads, and the system area leads should then make the official change request. It was felt that this important since the system area leads need to be aware of the overall design of their respective sub-systems.
The next meeting will be Thursday 9th February. Vic Kuchler has been invited on behalf of the CF&S group.