Present: B. Barish, T. Raubenheimer,*G. Dugan, B. Foster, N. Walker, K. Yokoya, M. Hronek (sec)
*G. Dugan chair/B. Barish present for ½ meeting due to travel.
Guest: W. Bialowons, P. Garbincius, T. Shidara
OPEN SESSION – Cost Engineers
Questions Discussed:
- Assessment of the status and issues to complete first roll up at Vancouver; do we need a meeting in June?
- Strategy and Confidentiality
- How do we initiate cost reduction?
- Costs Estimates – Europe and Asia What can we expect and when?
Action Items:
- DESY Meeting -- Draft agenda should be out be next week (4/28) if not sooner.
- Vancouver Meeting - organizational meeting on 4/27
- Added another ½ day parallel sessions
- Town meeting being organized with help from E. Clements
- Physics group requested a talk on the baseline - we need a volunteer
- Valencia Meeting - teleconference on 4/25 to discuss scheduling
- FALC Resource –.
- Europe – numbers turned in to BB
- Asia – KEK numbers turned in
- ILC R&D Program
- GD and BB giving talks at P5/SLAC
- Numbers being given are the same one’s that were given out to the DOE at the review
- Global Coordination & ILC R&D
- We received our report from the MAC
- R&D needs more priority on the key items like cavity production.
- We really need a plan and a schedule for the R&D.
- Addition of Grigory Shirkov of Dubna approved to join the GDE.