Present: Barish, Dugan, Foster, Raubenheimer, Takasaki, Walker Yokoya (Hronek sec.)
Guest: None
Approve last weeks "Public EC Meeting Summary"
The EC approved the public minutes from 15-Feb-06.
BB informed the EC that Bill Foster had resigned from FNAL following the DoE decision not to approve CD0 status for the proton driver. In his lengthy letter of resignation Foster was critical of the ILC and FNAL management.
Action Items
FALC Request: Resource information (15-FEB-06)
It was noted that the KEK budget will be fixed soon, and so they will be able to supply an updated overview (at least for KEK). At present, the current ILC-related spending is primarily in Japan. The FALC Resource Board wants a ‘baseline spending profile’ so they can monitor how the R&D funds develop in the future.
RDR Meeting in May at DESY (Nick)
A detailed plan for the scope and attendees for this meeting will be developed by the next EC meeting. There is criticism of need for travel and the lack of use of video conferencing techniques, but counter arguments were given of the value and need for face-to-face meetings..
MAC Meeting at Fermilab after DoE Review? (Barry)
The newly formed MAC has requested the first review should be held adjacent to the planned DoE US ILC R&D review (to be held at FNAL, April 4-6). Concerned was voiced by all (particularly a ‘strong objection’ from GD) that this could be a significant additional burden which we really didn’t need at this time. Some concerns were also raised about having the review so close to a US-specific internal review. Suggestions were made that the MAC reviews should be during (or a part of) the GDE meetings (specifically Bangalore). [This suggestion was not accepted by the ILCSC].
Bangalore Agenda
Some discussion was had on the subject of a SCRF R&D status talk during the opening plenary. Bill Willis will be contacted to sort this out.
P5 Meeting in U.S. and GDE/ILC R&D
P5 is a panel set up by HEPAP to advise DoE and NSF on the near-term priorities in US high energy physics. They have asked for details of the ILC R&D plan in the US, for a meeting to be held on Apr 20 and 21. We will need to develop a picture of the US ILC R&D plan for at least FY07, and maybe 08. This will also be needed for the DoE review in early April.
U.S. Industrial Studies
Proposed US industrial studies for the main linac is under consideration.
Other items
There will be no EC meeting next week, but instead we will physically meet in Bangalore (8 th March) together with the World Wide Study.