Present: Barish, Dugan, Raubenheimer, Takasaki, Walker, Yokoya, Hronek (sec.)
Absent: Takasaki, Foster
Guest: No guests
EC approved the public version of the 9-10 March EC meeting minutes. In future the public minutes process will be ‘streamlined,’ requiring comment and corrections within a 24hr deadline, after which the minutes will be posted.
- Vancouver Meeting Report
The Vancouver meeting will be 4 days long and run from Wednesday to Saturday. We will strive for better integration of GDE with the physics/detector workshop. A common agenda will be used. Town meetings will be set up to promote discussions and communications between machine and physics groups. It was noted that the physics groups are feeling removed from the process, and are under the impression that they have too little input on decisions being made by the GDE. This is primarily a communication problem that can be helped with more direct interactions during the workshops. - RDR Meeting in May at DESY – plan, scope
A trial block schedule was distributed for the DESY Main Linac meeting. The First day focused on technical issues, and will include some input from the XFEL activities at DESY. The second day will focus on costing. Saturday morning is currently foreseen as a close-out. The discussion on costs will be closed. It is expected that small working groups will meet in parallel during the cost deliberations to focus on outstanding technical issues. The ‘local organizing’ group is Walker, Lilje, Proch, Bialowons.
Report from RDR Management Group
It was reported that there is general agreement that this new group is off to a good start and that such a meeting once a week to discuss technical issues is welcome. More emphasis needs to be placed in future on resource management (or specifically identifying resource problems).
MAC Meeting at Fermilab after DoE Review? (see below) (Barry)
The charge, mandate and membership of the ILCSC MAC committee were discussed. It was noted that this review had become relatively ‘high-level’ and thus it was now more than every important to be well prepared. The review will be ‘formal’ and the GDE will need to react and take seriously any criticism or comment made by the MAC. The draft agenda was presented. It was emphasized that the MAC review is not open, but will be limited to ~40 people, the committee, and from the GDE there will be the presenters, the higher GDE management and some individuals to directly support the presenters.
Planning our future R&D needs and program (Discussion)
This agenda item was prompted by the recent EU Letter of Intent to the C.E.R.N. strategy council on a possible new SCRF program. BB noted that this and equivalent proposals in both US and Asia need to be discussed within the GDE, if we are to achieve globally coordinated ILC R&D. This will be subject of future meeting discussions.
Other items
The Japanese have asked for clarification concerning use of TESLA drawings for industrial studies. Written clarification is required on how and in what form this information can be given to Japanese industry.
Next meeting will be on Thursday 30-March at the same times (+1 hour for EU due to DST).