Working groups

LCC Physics & Detectors Working Groups

Physics working group

The physics working group is the central body in formulating the physics case for the linear collider, primarily for the ILC. It consists of experimentalists and theorists, and is closely connected with the physics analysis activities of CLIC and ILC. The deputy LCC director sits in the physics working group as an observer.


  • Keisuke Fujii
  • Christophe Grojean
  • Michael Peskin

Americas members
  • Tim Barklow
  • Maxim Perelstein
  • James Wells
  • Jaehoon Yu

Asian members
  • Yuanning Gao
  • Shinya Kanemura
  • Hyungdo Kim
  • Mihoko Nojiri
  • Tomohiko Tanabe

European members
  • Jenny List
  • Roman Poeschl
  • Juergen Reuter
  • Frank Simon

  • Hitoshi Murayama

Detector R&D liaison

The detector R&D liaison ensures productive communication between the LCC Physics and Detectors Executive Board and detector R&D groups. The liaison is a member of the Executive Board and communicates relevant information from the Executive Board to detector R&D groups and vice versa. The liaison is in contact with all detector R&D groups relevant to linear colliders to keep track of the overall detector R&D efforts conducted or planned for linear colliders and to periodically compile summaries of the efforts.
  • Jan Strube (deputy liaison)
  • Maksym Titov (liaison)

MDI working group

The MDI working group coordinates the activities related to the machine-detector interface of the ILC. The relevant activities include design of the detector hall, integration of detectors, alignment of detectors and beamlines near the interaction point. It liaises with the corresponding ILC accelerator group and the CLIC MDI group.
  • Karsten Buesser (convener)
  • Phil Burrows
  • Tom Markiewicz (deputy convener)
  • Marco Oriunno
  • Tomoyuki Sanuki
  • Toshiaki Tauchi

Software and Computing working group

The software and computing working group coordinates common software tools among the detector concept groups so that duplications are avoided and overall progresses are promoted. The relevant software includes event generators, data formats, and reconstruction programs. When needed, it coordinates large-scale MC productions. It also evaluates computing needs from now up to the real experiments.
  • Frank Gaede (convener)
  • Norman Graf
  • Akiya Miyamoto
  • Andre Sailer (deputy convener)
  • Jan Strube

ILC Conference talks group

This group encourages linear-collider-related talks at conferences and workshops. It does so by coordinating abstract submissions or by communicating with conference organizers or parallel session conveners. This group does not force linear-collider-related talks to be handled through it, nor discourage anybody to give any talks. This group, however, will try to keep track of all talks related to LC. Posters are not included in the scope of this group. When appropriate the group liaises with CLICdp.
  • Ivanka Bosovic-Jeliasavcic
  • Gerald Eigen (convener)
  • Keisuke Fujii
  • Christophe Grojean
  • Akiya Miyamoto
  • Michael Peskin
  • Frank Simon
  • Jan Strube
  • Maksym Titov
  • Andy White

The ILC Parameters joint working group

The ILC parameter working group reports to the LCC Directorate. It consists of members from both the ILC accelerator and the physics & detector groups where each team selects a co-convener for this working group.

This working group prepares information on ILC machine parameters and staging scenarios as well as potential upgrade paths in a form readily usable by the LCC. In doing so, the WG will take into account technical machine constraints and physics and detector needs regarding the fundamental ILC machine parameters such as energy, luminosity, crossing angles, etc.

The first task for the working group is to prepare multiple scenarios for staging up to about 500 GeV. The report should contain the pros and cons of each scenario as well as luminosities needed at each energy to produce corresponding physics results.

  Physics & Detector members
  • Tim Barklow
  • Jim Brau (co-convener)
  • Keisuke Fujii
  • Jenny List
  Accelerator members
  • Gao Jie
  • Kaoru Yokoya
  • Nick Walker (co-convener)

ILC Infrastructure and Planning working group

This working group studies the human and budgetary resource needs for the physics and detector activities of the ILC during construction as well as operation. In doing so, it evaluates time profiles of the resources and how realistic they are in terms of where they could come from. It also examines the organizational structure where the detector groups interact with the ILC laboratory from the establishment of the ILC laboratory through the operation.

  • Kiyotomo Kawagoe
  • Yasuhiro Sugimoto
  • Karsten Buesser
  • Frank Simon (Mary-Cruz Fouz: deputy to Frank Simon)
  • Marty Breidenbach
  • Marcel Stanitzki
  • Sakue Yamada (convener)

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