Detector R&D groups


Calorimeter for ILC

A high granularity calorimeter system optimised for the particle flow measurement of multi-jet final states at the ILC running, with centre-of-mass energy between 90 GeV and ~1 TeV

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A Time Projection Chamber for a future Linear Collider

The LCTPC collaboration formed to join the international efforts to develop a high-performance Time Projection Chamber (TPC) for the physics up to 1 TeV cms energy at the planned International Linear Collider (ILC). Currently groups from the Americas, Europe and Asia are involved in the research

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Forward Calorimetry

FCAL is a worldwide detector Research&Development collaboration. About 70 physicists join their effort to develop the technologies of special calorimeters in the very forward region of future detectors at an e+e- collider. These calorimeters must be compact, precisely positioned and readout very fast. Since the radiation load in the very forward region is large sensors of unprecedented radiation hardness are needed.

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