Working group - Software/Computing

Software and Computing working group

The software and computing working group coordinates common software tools among the detector concept groups so that duplications are avoided and overall progresses are promoted. The relevant software includes event generators, data formats, and reconstruction programs. When needed, it coordinates large-scale MC productions. It also evaluates computing needs from now up to the real experiments.

  • Frank Gaede (convener)
  • Norman Graf
  • Akiya Miyamoto
  • Andre Sailer (deputy convener)
  • Jan Strube


Linear Collider Generator sub-group (LCGG)


  • This subgroup of the LCC Physics & Detectors Software and Computing working group coordinates all aspects of preparing the Monte Carlo (MC) generator input to large-scale Monte Carlo productions for the linear collider experiments. This covers both the software (efficiency and performance) and the physics aspects of MC event generation. It also serves as a platform for feature requests to MC generators by the experiments.
  • Tim Barklow
  • Mikael Berggren (co-convener)
  • Wolfgang Kilian
  • Juergen Reuter (co-convener)
  • Philipp Roloff (co-convener)
  • Ulrike Schnoor
  • Jan Strube
  • Junping Tian


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